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June 5, 2024

I have been collecting quotes for a couple of decades. In the year 2000, I found the following inspirational writing on a shopping bag. I do not know who the author was. I would like to take this opportunity to share it with you after 24 years of collection. Enjoy!

“Lighten up.

Take in some fresh air and sunlight.

Dream of harmony.

Face challenges eagerly.

Look through the eyes of appreciation.

Relish adventure.

Forgive your parents and cut yourself some slack.

Make someone happy.

Work for peace.

Never be disheartened.




Refuse, resist and reuse.

Make a wish.

Send little gifts in the mail.

Accept love.

Walk the dog.


Be silly.

Do not wait for a better world.

Show respect for your body and earth.

Dance with the stars.

Let it go.

Expect the best.

Know all difficulties in your life have purpose.

Follow your bliss.

Practice random acts of kindness.

Find calm. (Go there daily.)

Stand tall.

Walk proud.

Run after your dreams.

Learn from the past.

Look to the future.

Live every moment.”

- Author Unknown

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