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July 17, 2023

It all starts with the abbreviation "How."

There is a saying "Curiosity killed the cat." I disagree. It motivates and inspires you to find out the truth---why and how.

I have been an associate member of the American Federation of Astrologers since July 2020. I peruse its regular issues of Today's Astrologer at leisure. In early July, the lunation chart of New Moon (astrological) for July 17, 2023, caught my attention. There is a symbol called "How" on the casted chart. I was perplexed and very curious about it.

Since "How" is conjunct with my natal birth chart MC (Medium Coeli or Midheaven) and Sun & Mercury in the 9th house, the ninth house in astrology is about publishing, broadcasting, promotion, philosophy, law, religion. higher learning and foreign travel, cultures and languages plus expansion and understanding the meaning and larger issues in life. I was intrigued and even more interested in finding out its meaning in astrology. So, I asked an online private Star Family that I am in to see if anyone knew what "How" means in astrology. The host of the group, Divine Harmony, replied if it is mentioned in the article.

That prompted me to ask the executive secretary, Celeste Nash-Weninger, of AFA. She kindly replied that she forgot to remove it when casting the lunation chart. It is an asteroid called Howardmoore. Mystery solved. I asked her if she could send me the article associated with it. The rest is history.

With the permission of the author, Elaine M. Kuzmeskus, I'd like to share the Cautionary Tale of the astrologer, Marcia Moore. The writer wants to keep her memory alive. Let us continue her legacy including her wonderful books such as Astrology the Divine Science & Reincarnation, Key to Immortality.

I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the author of the article for her generosity, research, and expertise. Here is the article: Marcia Moore: A Cautionary Tale by Elaine M. Kuzmeskus, author, astrologer & spiritualist medium.


Ligin Baker

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